Boonk Gang John Robert Hill Leaked Video

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Boonk Gang, a South Florida rapper whose real name is John Robert Hill has been around for all of a good 18 months and has become an overnight sensation. You might not know his name but you kno

Calabasas rapper Boonk Gang, whose real name is John Robert Hill, is due in court Friday, March 9, 2018, in Van Nuys on charges of possessing assault weapons and medication without a prescription. This image is from his Twitter acccount. He has 4.3 million Instagram followers.w the full body and face tats. His noteriety began in a viral video stealing a box of chicken from Popeyes while cursing out the employees followed by a series of similar stunts, done to promote his rap career. He had his first single out by July and a video game of his own in September. With this level of stunting it’s no surprise he’s released his own sex tape and for the second time in a week.

The first sex tape was recorded and put on Instagram Live this past Sunday. It resulted in his Instagram account being deleted. Lucky for us we we got our hands on it. He then went on to do it again this afternoon on Twitter. This isn’t the first time he’s been involved in a sex scandal. A trans escort exposed him over the Christmas holiday. So far he’s 2 days into the week with two sex tapes published. Let’s see if he has another tomorrow.

Although it is no longer with us, Vine and its many stars are still fondly remembered. The platform launched a number of social media stars, and it’s had a lasting legacy on the kind of humor that’s popular on the internet. One of Vine’s stars, Boonk Gang, has been absent from the internet more recently, and many of his biggest fans want to know what happened to him.

Boonk Gang, whose real name is John Robert Hill, was initially popular on Vine thanks to his many prank videos. He initially went viral after stealing chicken from a local Popeye’s, and he posted a number of extremely popular videos following that one, including one in which he “accidentally” shot himself in the foot. His Instagram account attracted a huge following as well, although it was eventually taken down after he posted a video of himself being intimate with a woman.

Although most people tuned into Boonk Gang’s various social pages to see him pull pranks or break rules, he was also a rapper. Under the name Boonk Gang, he released two albums called “Gabbana Attack” and “Dat Boonk Gang Shit”.

In more recent years, though, Boonk Gang has been a much less frequent poster on social media, and people are wondering what led to his disappearance.

Boonk Gang found the Lord.
After his Instagram account was taken down, Boonk Gang was somewhat limited in where he could post his new videos. His videos on platforms like Twitter and YouTube didn’t catch on the way his Instagram and Vine presences had, and fans began to wonder what had happened to him.

More recently, Boonk Gang found the Lord and has since devoted himself to religion.

It seems that Boonk Gang has decided to give up pranking in favor of Christianity. A video of him being baptized was posted on Instagram, and many fans have wished him well as he embarks on this new phase in his life. Some have even suggested that Boonk Gang finding religion allowed him to turn his life around.

Boonk Gang also broke his jaw in 2019.
Before he was baptized, Boonk Gang was punched in the face and wound up breaking his jaw. He announced the news on his Instagram page, asking for prayers from his fans. “Broken jaws on both sides of my face. Surgery will take place at 7:30 AM. Pray for me; I love you guys!!” he wrote.

Boonk Gang also posted a video of himself wearing a blood-stained white shirt and zoomed in on his mouth to reveal that he was missing several teeth. In the past few years, then, Boonk Gang has lived a ton of different lives. He’s faced pretty massive surgery, and now he’s found religion.

So while many fans want to know what happened to Boonk Gang, the answer is that a lot of things have happened. Ultimately, though, his decision to leave social media seems to be based on his decision to dedicate himself to God.





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